Test Detail: Images must have alternate text (image-alt)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.1.1: Non-text Content:)
Ensures <img> elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation
(16 occurences)
Any of: Element has an alt attribute.
None of: Element has a valid alt attribute value.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children (aria-required-children)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1: Info and Relationships)
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require child roles contain them
(3 occurences)
Any of: Required ARIA children are present.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents (aria-required-parent)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1: Info and Relationships)
Ensures elements with an ARIA role that require parent roles are contained by them
(3 occurences)
Any of: Required ARIA parent role present.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: <ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements (list)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1: Info and Relationships)
Ensures that lists are structured correctly
(5 occurences)
None of: List element only has direct children that are allowed inside <li> elements.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: <li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol> (listitem)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1: Info and Relationships)
Ensures <li> elements are used semantically
(63 occurences)
Any of: List item has a <ul>, <ol> or role="list" parent element.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe (th-has-data-cells)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1: Info and Relationships)
Ensure that each table header in a data table refers to data cells
(2 occurences)
All of: All table header cells refer to data cells.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements (aria-hidden-focus)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.3.1, 4.1.2)
Ensures aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements
(17 occurences)
All of: No focusable elements while a modal is open; No focusable elements contained within element.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets (avoid-inline-spacing)
(Test for Success Criterion, 2.1.a.a)
Ensure that text spacing set through style attributes can be adjusted with custom stylesheets
(11 occurences)
All of: No inline styles with '!important' that affect text spacing has been specified.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Elements must have sufficient color contrast (color-contrast)
(Test for Success Criterion
1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum))
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds
(31 occurences)
Any of: Element's background color could not be determined because element contains an image node; Element's background color could not be determined due to a background image; Element's background color could not be determined because it's partially obscured by another element; Element's background color could not be determined because it is overlapped by another element.
Path: .main
- Heading
- Code extract
<span class="main">Zespół Placówek Oświatowych<br>w Woli Osowińskiej</span>
Path: .sub
- Heading
- Code extract
<span class="sub">im. płk. pil. Z.Krasnodębskiego</span>
Path: .active.nav-link
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/" class="nav-link active">Strona Główna</a>
Path: #menu-item-106 > .nav-link
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/category/aktualnosci/" class="nav-link ">Aktualności</a>
Path: #menu-item-107 > .dropdown-toggle[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"][aria-haspopup="true"]
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Szkoła</a>
Path: #menu-item-108 > .dropdown-toggle[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"][aria-haspopup="true"]
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Uczniowie</a>
Path: #menu-item-109 > .dropdown-toggle[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"][aria-haspopup="true"]
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Rodzice</a>
Path: #menu-item-253 > .nav-link
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/przedszkole/dokumenty/" class="nav-link ">Dokumenty</a>
Path: #menu-item-98 > .nav-link
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/kontakt/" class="nav-link ">Kontakt</a>
Path: .item > .text > h2
- Heading
- Code extract
<h2>Zespół Placówek Oświatowych w Woli Osowińskiej</h2>
Path: a[title="Otwarty\ szkolny\ Dzień\ Dziecka"] > .date
- Heading
- Code extract
<div class="date"><i class="far fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> 12 maja 2022</div>
Path: a[title="Otwarty\ szkolny\ Dzień\ Dziecka"] > .news-title
- Heading
- Code extract
<h2 class="news-title">Otwarty szkolny Dzień Dziecka</h2>
Path: a[title="Otwarty\ szkolny\ Dzień\ Dziecka"] > p
- Heading
- Code extract
<p>Pod honorowym patronatem Wójta Gminy Borki 04 czerwca 2022 r. godz. 10:00 – 16:00 w Zespole Placówek Oświatowych w Woli Osowińskiej.</p>
Path: #menu-item-143 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/category/aktualnosci-przedszkole/">Aktualności</a>
Path: #menu-item-158 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/category/ogloszenia-przedszkole/">Ogłoszenia</a>
Path: #menu-item-157 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/przedszkole/grupy/">Grupy</a>
Path: #menu-item-156 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/przedszkole/dokumenty/">Dokumenty</a>
Path: #menu-item-155 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/przedszkole/zywienie/">Żywienie</a>
Path: #menu-item-154 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/przedszkole/rekrutacja/">Rekrutacja</a>
Path: #post-244 > h4 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/wydarzenie/zakonczenie-roku-szkolnego-2021-2022/"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Zakończenie roku szkolnego 2021/2022</a>
Path: #post-245 > h4 > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/wydarzenie/zakonczenie-roku-w-przedszkolu/"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Zakończenie roku w przedszkolu</a>
Path: .box:nth-child(1) > .text > span:nth-child(2)
- Heading
- Code extract
<span>Parkowa 7</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(1) > .text > span:nth-child(3)
- Heading
- Code extract
<span>21-345 , Borki </span>
Path: .box:nth-child(2) > .text > .box-title
- Heading
- Code extract
<span class="box-title">Telefon</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(2) > .text > span:nth-child(2)
- Heading
- Code extract
<span>081 85 74 184</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(3) > .text > .box-title
- Heading
- Code extract
<span class="box-title">E-mail</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(3) > .text > span:nth-child(2)
- Heading
- Code extract
Path: .box:nth-child(3) > .text > span:nth-child(3)
- Heading
- Code extract
Path: .box:nth-child(4) > .text > .box-title
- Heading
- Code extract
<span class="box-title">Dane</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(4) > .text > span:nth-child(2)
- Heading
- Code extract
<span>NIP: 5381804369</span>
Path: .box:nth-child(4) > .text > span:nth-child(3)
- Heading
- Code extract
<span>REGON: 060276965</span>
Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds
(104 occurences)
Any of: Element has sufficient color contrast of 6.97; Element has sufficient color contrast of 19.33; Element has sufficient color contrast of 21; Element has sufficient color contrast of 17.61; Element has sufficient color contrast of 15.9; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.23; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.13; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.14; Element has sufficient color contrast of 8.16; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.36; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.05; Element has sufficient color contrast of 19.79; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.1; Element has sufficient color contrast of 12.46; Element has sufficient color contrast of 14.72; Element has sufficient color contrast of 19.53; Element has sufficient color contrast of 12.63; Element has sufficient color contrast of 14.24; Element has sufficient color contrast of 7.39.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks (bypass)
(Test for Success Criterion
2.4.1: Bypass Blocks)
Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation and jump straight to the content
(1 occurrence)
Any of: Page has a heading; Valid skip link found.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Frames must have title attribute (frame-title)
(Test for Success Criterion
2.4.1, 4.1.2: Bypass Blocks)
Ensures <iframe> and <frame> elements contain a non-empty title attribute
(2 occurences)
Any of: Element has a title attribute.
About this Test
Checked Elements:
Short Description
Test Detail: Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation (document-title)
(Test for Success Criterion
2.4.2: Page Titled)
Ensures each HTML document contains a non-empty <title> element
(1 occurrence)
Any of: Document has a non-empty <title> element.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Links must have discernible text (link-name)
(Test for Success Criterion
2.4.4, 4.1.2: Name, Role, Value)
Ensures links have discernible text
(85 occurences)
Any of: Element has text that is visible to screen readers.
None of: Element is not in tab order or has accessible text.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Links with the same name have a similar purpose (identical-links-same-purpose)
(Test for Success Criterion
Ensure that links with the same accessible name serve a similar purpose
(2 occurences)
All of: Check that links have the same purpose, or are intentionally ambiguous..
Path: #menu-item-106 > .nav-link
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/category/aktualnosci/" class="nav-link ">Aktualności</a>
Path: .text > p > a
- Heading
- Code extract
<a href="https://projekty.itlu.pl/osowinska/nasz-patron">Czytaj więcej ></a>
Ensure that links with the same accessible name serve a similar purpose
(75 occurences)
All of: There are no other links with the same name, that go to a different URL.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: <html> element must have a lang attribute (html-has-lang)
(Test for Success Criterion
3.1.1: Language of Page)
Ensures every HTML document has a lang attribute
(1 occurrence)
Any of: The <html> element has a lang attribute.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: <html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute (html-lang-valid)
(Test for Success Criterion
3.1.1: Language of Page)
Ensures the lang attribute of the <html> element has a valid value
(2 occurences)
None of: Value of lang attribute is included in the list of valid languages.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: IDs of active elements must be unique (duplicate-id-active)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.1: Parsing)
Ensures every id attribute value of active elements is unique
(1 occurrence)
Any of: Document has no active elements that share the same id attribute.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique (duplicate-id-aria)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.1: Parsing)
Ensures every id attribute value used in ARIA and in labels is unique
(2 occurences)
Any of: Document has no elements referenced with ARIA or labels that share the same id attribute.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: id attribute value must be unique (duplicate-id)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.1: Parsing)
Ensures every id attribute value is unique
(100 occurences)
Any of: Document has no static elements that share the same id attribute.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes (aria-allowed-attr)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Name, Role, Value)
Ensures ARIA attributes are allowed for an element's role
(4 occurences)
Any of: ARIA attributes are used correctly for the defined role.
None of: ARIA attribute is supported.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body (aria-hidden-body)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Name, Role, Value)
Ensures aria-hidden='true' is not present on the document body.
(2 occurences)
Any of: No aria-hidden attribute is present on document body.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: Required ARIA attributes must be provided (aria-required-attr)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Parsing)
Ensures elements with ARIA roles have all required ARIA attributes
(3 occurences)
Any of: All required ARIA attributes are present.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: ARIA roles used must conform to valid values (aria-roles)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Info and Relationships)
Ensures all elements with a role attribute use a valid value
(3 occurences)
None of: Only one role value used; ARIA role is supported; Abstract roles are not used; ARIA role is valid.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: ARIA attributes must conform to valid values (aria-valid-attr-value)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Info and Relationships)
Ensures all ARIA attributes have valid values
(4 occurences)
All of: ARIA attribute values are valid; Uses a supported aria-errormessage technique.
About this Test
Short Description
Test Detail: ARIA attributes must conform to valid names (aria-valid-attr)
(Test for Success Criterion
4.1.2: Parsing)
Ensures attributes that begin with aria- are valid ARIA attributes
(4 occurences)
Any of: ARIA attribute name is valid.
About this Test
Short Description